shlf1314 TESTech 泰思泰克(苏州)检测仪器科技有限公司以国际化的团队和视野致力于提升中国火灾检测、实验设备的技术水平。以为中国的科学研究,工业制造提供精确、可靠的检测仪器、设备为公司经营理念。泰思泰克(TESTech)检测仪器目前专注于火灾,材料阻燃科学试验仪器的研发、生产、销售及服务。公司依托国际化的团队和欧美零部件资源为客户提供专业、可靠的仪器设备及解决方案!Instrument (Suzhou) Technologies is founded by engineering professionals familiar with the highest international standard of quality, reliability and service. We are committed to meeting and serving the comprehensive needs of industry and research labs in the testing and development of fire-prevention and retardant materials, systems and instruments. Whether you need fire test equipment development, production, sales or service, contact us for one-stop solution. We’re China’s best fire-testing resource, so let us exceed your expectations!Total Solutions Expert in Fire Research and Industrial Insp......