
LaVision SprayMaster SLIPI 致密喷雾测量系统

品牌: LaVision GmbH
单价: 面议
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
所在地: 默认地区
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-12-22 11:59
浏览次数: 103

Laser Imaging in Dense Sprays: SLIPI

StructuredLaserIlluminationPlanarImaging (SLIPI) reduces multiple light scattering applying laser imaging in dense sprays.SLIPIis based on spatially modulated laser light sheets for Mie or LIF imaging. While multiply scattered light loses the modulation information, it is maintained for singly scattered light. When the stripe-like phase shifted images are combined correctly, the resulting SLIPI image shows higher image contrast and reveals inner spray structures, which are hidden when using conventional planar laser imaging.

Laser light sheet imaging in a hollow cone spray with and w/o SLIPI
courtesy: Elias Kristensson, ILASS-Europe, 2013
References:Y.N.Mishra, E. Kristensson, E. Berrocal, “Reliable LIF/Mie droplet sizing insprays using structured laser illumination planar imaging”, Optics Express,Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 4480-4492 (2014), Berrocal, E. Kristensson, P. Hottenbach, M. Aldén , G. Gruenefeld,“Quantitative imaging of a non-combusting diesel spray using structuredlaser illumination planar imaging”, Appl. Phys. B (2012) 109:683–694

Product Information

no-imgStructured Laser Imaging in Sprays

Product Information

SLIPI Optics

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LaVision SprayMaster SLIPI 致密喷雾测量系统 LaVision SprayMaster Geometry 喷雾几何参量测量系统 LaVision SprayMaster inspex 喷雾成像测量系统 LaVision用于发动机内部测量的内窥镜
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