
LaVision SprayMaster Geometry 喷雾几何参量测量系统

品牌: LaVision GmbH
单价: 面议
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
所在地: 默认地区
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-12-03 09:49
浏览次数: 103

Spray Geometry and Patternation

LaVision’sSprayMaster Geometrypackage extracts spray plume morphology and geometry information from backlight and light sheet spray images.Depending on the optical arrangement, the spray image obtains information about the spray pattern (radial spray cuts) or the spray plume shape and propagation (axial spray cuts).Analysis of multi-hole injectors (e.g. automotive fuel sprays) reveals geometry information for each individual spray cone separately.


Radial spray cuts: spray patternation

Radial cuts are derived from light sheet images in cross section with thespray axis.

  • spray patternarea and its equivalentdiameter

  • mass circlediameters according toSAE definition

  • centroidshlf1314position based on spray image intensity

  • largest and shortestradiusof the pattern rim

  • plots about radial and angular spray distribution to reveal thestructural characteristicsshlf1314of spray plumes


Axial spray cuts: plume geometry and propagation

Axial cuts are aligned with the spray propagation direction. Measurementsare achieved using light sheets, global lighting or backlighting.

  • spray cone anglemeasured e.g. at a given distance from the orifice

  • bent angleshlf1314(deviation from orifice axis) and both

  • half anglesto indicate the symmetry and direction of the spray plume

  • tip penetrationto represent the propagation of the spray

  • angular spray density plotto show the uniformity of the spray

Product Information

no-imgSpray Geometry Software

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LaVision SprayMaster SLIPI 致密喷雾测量系统 LaVision SprayMaster Geometry 喷雾几何参量测量系统 LaVision SprayMaster inspex 喷雾成像测量系统 LaVision用于发动机内部测量的内窥镜
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